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Rockyfangs, Elf Mage of Earth

In case you might have noticed from my previous entries to the elf mage series, every doll element has a relation to my deeper self, or an alter ego in some sense.

This is the same for the next member of my toothpick doll elf mage family. I thought a lot about the outfit design for my Earth elf mage, and what attitude do I want her to portray. I've asked myself questions like: Do I want my earth mage to have the fairy-like attitude with a humble personality and subtle features? Or do I want my earth mage to be as tough as rock with a hard-headed personality and shouts attitude from head to toes? 

This dilemma urged me to do "research" (which is actually just by watching fantasy anime and observing their costumes). I re-watched Cardcaptor Sakura for inspiration from her cards The Earthy. The Wood, and The Flower. Even watched Avatar: The Last Airbender for inspiration from Toph Beifong, who lives by her name and her element. Until I decided that I don't want my earth mage to have the usual vibe of being 'down-to-earth' that reminds us of the calmness of nature or the tranquility of being surrounded by trees and sunlight. I figured maybe that may just lead to cliche style.

In the end, I pushed through with Toph. For, yet again, personal reasons. I'm actually the timid type of person. I'm very laid back and the type who finds it difficult to say 'no' to anyone. This elf mage doll has the character opposite to mine. She has the toughness and stubbornness that I don't. To be honest, there were a lot of times I wished I could be stubborn for a day, or say 'no' for once. But let's not talk about drama here.

This is Rockyfangs, the elf mage of the Earth element. She's the stubborn type, living by the motto: Better to be hard-headed than an airhead.

You can see the resemblance of the Blind Bandit's outfit in avatar: the loincloth, the trousers, the shirt, and the tough attitude.

As you may have observed by now, the first elf mages came in ball skirts and A-line dresses. This made me decide that it's time to challenge a different scale: a toothpick doll wearing pants. No petticoats, but pants. 

I met some problems along the way though. I felt like I wasn't going anywhere near the design. I struggled on her feet. Ugh! Those tiny feet! They're even more difficult to make than the pairs of elf ears. After much effort with the feet, I got stuck again on her half-shaved hairstyle. But then I was almost finished and giving up wasn't an option. So I tinkered here and there and somehow, I managed to give her the half-shaved with curls hairstyle (which I think is one if the highlights of this elf mage.

Oh and I also gave her a leaf-detailed skirt to give her a touch of nature to balance her rock stubbornness and her element.


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