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Destined to be Yours Fan Art (Part 2)

Feeling the AlDub fever yet? On my previous post I spoke about my entry on the third week of the Destined to be Yours Fan Art Contest by GMA7. On this post, I will talk about yet another entry I submitted on the same contest.

After the hype I got from getting top 10 on the contest, I just couldn't stop there. Nope. It only made me want to keep trying. Somehow it reminded me of a quote a senior in my high school told me before when I was a freshman: Success isn't measure by the failures you make, but the struggles you do whenever you fail.

I may have failed to win Maine Mendoza's flower crown, I still decided to give it another try, if it's the last thing I do. After all, the prizes offered turned out to be getting bigger each week. By the time I decided to submit another entry again, it was on the 6th week, and the prize at stake was Maine Mendoza's nightgown which she wore on one of the episodes of the TV drama and a limited edition Destined to be Yours T-Shirt.

This was my actual entry. It's a toothpick doll version of Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza in their characters as Benjie and Sinag wearing their costumes they wore when they attended a costume party in the TV drama. Maine Mendoza wore a beautiful Belle-inspired gown while Alden Richards wore Prince Charming-inspired suit.

And yes, you can just see the efforts I made in this entry: from the candlelights to the mini red carpet, and the intricate design of Alden's suit to the hair locks of Maine.

What was the verdict? Guess what....

Yes! I won! I couldn't believe it when I saw the post of GMA7 in their facebook account (I was preoccupied that day as I had visitors at home and I had to attend to them). I even had to look thrice just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I was ecstatic.

And now for the prize. I waited about 2 weeks just to get the package sent by GMA7. 

As if I couldn't be happier with an autographed T-shirt, I even got Maine Mendoza's nightgown. I even got the nerve to recreate her pose, just to prove to myself that I really won and that my efforts have been paid. Having this opportunity did make me feel proud of my toothpick dolls.

One thing I learned from this is that I may have failed on my first attempt but I never gave up. I tried again and succeeded. There are only a few who liked making toothpick dolls, after all, who would've guessed one could make a doll with an after-meal teeth cleaner?


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