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Showing posts from October, 2017

Sally, The Nightmare Before Christmas

Apparently, Halloween is just around the corner, and by this time of the month, kids are now excited to wear their Halloween costumes. And perhaps some adults are also excited for their Halloween pranks. But I'm not, since I don't have any Halloween costume to wear even though I would gladly wear one if given the chance. But even so, I made another toothpick doll for Halloween which is, in my own opinion, a really adorable one. There's a lot of Halloween figures every year, but the most popular ones are vampires, zombies, mummies, werewolves, ghosts, witches, and Frankenstein. I've already made a vampire toothpick doll before at the start of the month of October, so I decided to make my second choice if ever I would wear a Halloween costume: Frankenstein, only the female version. I decided to make a toothpick doll version of Sally from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. She may just be a rag doll, seemingly similar with Frankenstein in ap

Princess Laura of Albania (Florante at Laura)

Every toothpick doll I make always have a story. And those stories are all rooted from my life experiences, both good and bad.  In my previous post, I talked about my dark past. About how I got bullied from an accident that nobody wanted. To lift up the heavy mood here in my blog, I decided I should at least write about a positive accident as well. And it all happened when I was in my Sophomore year in high school. I've been the typical student in school, not really standing out, but not also being left out. I would say I was the average high school girl that nobody notices, or wasn't the type who leaves a strong impression. I only talk to my friends and teachers, but other than that, I never had any interaction between those who are in the higher or lower year levels. Yes, I am that ordinary girl.  I would only stand out when there's art involved. When there were art contests at school, my classmates will automatically volunteer me. And after the conte

Lady Vampire Toothpick Doll

It's finally my favorite month! Why? Because apart from October being my birth month, it's also the month when people prepare their Halloween costumes, plan their Halloween outdoor designs, and stores sell their newest (if not cliche) Halloween costumes. I've never experienced attending a Halloween party nor do I have tried going around the neighborhood saying Trick or Treat on repeat. It was never a practice in my school as a kid, nor a tradition in my own suburban neighborhood. You might be asking which planet do I live in that I haven't experienced such a fun activity in my whole life. But it's the truth. Even when my grandmother visited Canada when I was just 6 and she had pictures of Jack O' Lantern pumpkins being prepared by my cousins, it never occurred to me that it was for Halloween. I only thought why they were salvaging an innocent pumpkin. I only knew the word Halloween at 3rd or 4th grade when my second youngest cousin attended a Hall